Top 3 Ways to Stay Hair-Free for Longer: How Do You Maintain Between Brazilian Waxes?

There are but a few greater feelings than getting fresh Brazilian wax. Your smile and confidence grow, and you are ready to take on the world. When your waxing results hold enough power to make or break your day, you want to ensure that feeling lasts between your appointments.

As great as a fresh wax feels, trying to keep up with the maintenance until your next appointment can get annoying. Since you’re typically supposed to wait for your hair to be a certain length before ripping it out, finding solutions to care for your wax correctly can get a little exasperating. So, how do you maintain between Brazilian waxes?

Well, achieving the longest-lasting, smoothest results from waxing depends on practicing good at-home care and avoiding common mistakes. Sounds pretty reasonable, right? Make the most out of every wax with these easy-to-remember tips for helping your Brazilian wax last longer between each appointment.

Waxing vs. Shaving

How do you maintain between Brazilian waxes?

Waxing takes out the hair from your root and creates silky-smooth results. Consistent waxing can lead to a reduced density of hair over time. Once hairs are removed via waxing, brand-new hair grows back, soft, and tapered.

Hair regrowth after shaving results in blunt, pokey hairs that can itch and more readily grow back under the skin creating unsightly inflamed ingrown hairs.

A typical Brazilian waxing service lasts 30 minutes to an hour, based on your technician’s experience level. The long-lasting results of a Brazilian wax far outweigh the short-lived discomfort some may experience during the procedure. Most of our clients happily remark that the discomfort was much less than expected. 

How Do You Maintain Between Brazilian Waxes?

Stay Away From The Razor

If you’re new to Brazilian waxing or just getting fed up with the hair growth process, one of the first things you will be tempted to do is reach for the razor. Resist that feeling as much as possible. Can you shave? Sure. But while this seems like a simple solution, shaving will almost always put you back at the starting line because shaving leaves the hair with a sharp end and can make the hair appear thicker and darker. When the hair is waxed, the entire follicle is removed.

When it grows after being removed, it returns to its natural state. If you make it a goal only to get waxed, you will save yourself a lot of headaches and literal pain. Over time, as your waxing appointments become more frequent, you will notice less pain during the appointment and less hair growth.

Exfoliate and Moisturize

Proper skin care is the way to keep your Brazilian wax fresh. Regularly moisturizing your skin with a hydrating cream or oil-free lotion will help your skin feel smooth and healthy between waxes. When selecting the right moisturizer, be sure it’s lightweight and soothes your skin without clogging pores. If not, it can result in red, irritating rashes that can result in infection or allergic reactions. It could also leave your waxed areas with red bumps and scaly, itchy skin.

Healthy, hydrated skin makes it harder for ingrown hairs to form. If the skin is rough, dry, and cracked, the hair could break off rather than be removed completely, and the regrowth will appear faster than if the skin is healthy and moisturized. So remember to exfoliate about once a week and moisturize daily gently. Proper skincare maintenance is the best post-treatment method in between waxes.

Keep Your Appointments Consistent

If you truly want to make your Brazilian wax last longer, you must keep regular appointments with your waxing expert. Waxing is as much a part of your beauty and grooming routine as anything else, so if you want to look and feel your best, you must make it consistent. If waxing is done regularly, the hair grows slower, finer, and thinner.

Sticking to your schedule is important even if your hair has not grown enough. It helps the hair get in the habit of growing back weaker, so waxes get more manageable and less painful over time. If you stop waxing during the winter or wait long periods between your visits, you reverse all the previous work waxing has done.

How do you maintain between Brazilian Waxes

If you’re a first-time or occasional waxer, you will likely notice new hair growth within 2-3 weeks of your wax; if you’re more consistent, waxes will last around 4-6 weeks. Remember that we have different skin and hair textures, so what works for one may not work for another.

Women and men are different, but we recommend men take note of the same advice. Keep your Brazilian waxing appointments consistent, ditch the razors, find a good moisturizer, and exfoliate once per week. If you stick to these tips, you’ll be hair-free and happy between appointments.

How Long Do Brazilian Waxes Last?

The answer depends on how you define “how long does it last?” The answer is simple but complex because it depends on individual factors such as how frequently you get waxed, how fast your hair grows, and even your hormones. 

Hair Growth Cycle

The hair growth cycle can let you know when's the best time to get a Brazilian wax

Anagen, or the growth phase, is the phase where hair actively grows longer. The time hair remains in the anagen phase determines how long it can grow—this is why the hair on your head can grow much longer than on your armpits or pubic area.

Pubic hair stays in the anagen phase for 3 to 4 months, and about 30% of one’s pubic hair is in the anagen phase at any given time.

Catagen, or the transition phase. During this phase, the hair stops growing, the follicle shrinks, and your hair is cut off from its blood supply. The catagen phase lasts about two weeks; only 2 or 3% of pubic hair is in this phase at a time.

Telogen, or the resting phase. In the telogen phase, the follicle remains dormant and renews itself. The old hair is shed when the anagen phase begins again, and the new hair pushes the old hair out of the follicle. About 70% of pubic hair is in the telogen phase at a time, remaining for about three months.

This means an average Brazilian wax will only remove around 30% of hair by the root while in the Anagen phase. Most of your hair is in the Telogen phase, so you only remove the old, dead hair. This means you can expect noticeable hair regrowth within 2-3 weeks. It will differ somewhat depending on how fast your hair grows naturally.

It will also differ depending on the season – in summer, your hair will grow faster because you have increased blood circulation to the skin compared to winter. This provides more nourishment to the hair follicles, leading to more rapid growth. Your hair will also regrow more slowly if you get waxed regularly since you remove more hair from the root, which ultimately shrinks and damages the follicle’s root.

How Often Do You Need to Get a Brazilian Wax?

There are many factors that affect how often you go for a Brazilian wax

It depends on the abovementioned factors if you are wondering how long you should go between Brazilian waxes. Hair grows around 1/8 inch per week, but remember that most of your hair is dormant at any given time. So while the hair, just beginning the androgen phase after you get waxed, will be the 1/4 inch required to get a Brazilian after two weeks, much of your hair will still be resting.

Since the dormant period is about three months, you can expect around half of your pubic hair to grow again in 6 weeks. You can often get a Brazilian wax every 4 to 6 weeks. If you get waxed regularly, you can go even longer between waxes (maybe 5 to 7 weeks) since your hair will be thinner and more in sync with your waxing schedule.

Will My 2nd Brazilian Be Easier Than My First?

Yes, Absolutely. You will notice significantly less hair the second time. It also grows back weaker and finer, which makes waxing much easier. 

Will My 2nd Brazilian Last Longer Than My First One?

Yes, because of your hair growth cycles, your second and third Brazilian wax will last up to a week longer before any of your hair grows back. The more times you wax, the simpler it becomes and the longer it lasts.

Are you looking for a waxing specialist that can give you a safe, secure, and effective waxing service? Please reach out to us today to book an appointment!