How Do I Prepare for a Brazilian Wax: A Quick Guide for First-Timers

Getting a Brazilian wax for the first time is arguably one of the experiences that you will either remember forever or wish to forget. Either way, that will stay with you for quite a while, so prepare thoroughly. So, you may be asking, “How do I prepare for a Brazilian wax?”

Brazilian waxing, aside from shaving, has been one of the most well-known hair removal methods, especially for women who do not want hairs peeking out of their Instagrammable bikinis. But before you get excited, let’s go through what you need to know to prepare yourself for a Brazilian wax because, trust us, you’re going to need it.

How Do I Prepare for a Brazilian Wax?

Before Your Visit For a Brazilian Wax

Before your appointment, you can take a couple of actions to ensure the service goes smoothly. Initially, the crucial step is trimming. Although it’s a minor detail, your hair should be around a quarter to half an inch for the wax to be most efficient.

Before booking a Brazilian wax appointment, there are a few things that you should know.

If the hairs are too long, the wax might tug on the skin, potentially resulting in bruising. On the other hand, if it’s too short, the wax won’t catch properly, leaving you with stubble. If you don’t have time to trim, your esthetician should do this, but it needs to be neater and more comfortable.

Second, when you book your appointment, ask for a Brazilian wax, not a bikini wax. The time needed for these procedures can vary greatly. Remember to take one or two Advil. This service can be tough on your skin, and there might be some swelling, especially if it’s your first time.

To manage the pain (yes, it’s going to be painful, but you can handle it, especially if you’ve given birth to a baby), use a pain reliever; it will also assist in reducing any potential swelling. When choosing your attire for the service day, try to avoid jeans or anything that might cause friction. The area will be delicate, and you’ll feel much better if you opt for a dress or sweatpants!

Your Appointment

Alright, now that you’ve done your homework, go ahead and schedule a Brazilian wax appointment. When you’re prepped up and in the waxing room, ensure you’re wearing something that won’t irritate that area. Assuming you’re familiar with your esthetician and took your Advil, here’s what will happen once you’re in the room.

Your esthetician will welcome you in. You’ll find a towel on the bed and a cover to use while getting ready. Some places offer you disposable underwear for comfort, but let’s face it, she will see it all one way or another! If using them makes you feel less exposed, go ahead. That’s their purpose. Just know that if you decide to use them, you’ll need to keep them out of the way during the service, which might be bothersome for everyone.

You’ll be requested to remove your clothing from the waist down, and in certain locations, they’ll provide you with a steamed towel to ‘freshen up with.’ Don’t hesitate to make use of it! It will help reassure you that everything down there is fresh and helps your esthetician get everything. The warmth helps lift the hair follicles, allowing the esthetician to see where to apply the wax more effectively. If a warm towel isn’t offered, requesting one is fine; they keep plenty in their hot cabbies!

Get onto the bed and bring your phone or something for distraction. Lie on the towel beneath the drape—usually, a pillow shows which side of the bed to rest your head on. Now, wait for the knock of the esthetician.

Wax Time: Know Before You Go

How do I prepare for a Brazilian wax?

As you lie there, the esthetician helps ease your mind. Before she begins, she inquires if there are specific areas you want to keep or if you prefer hair removal everywhere. Some women prefer a bit; if you’re one of them, ensure she knows exactly what you prefer. Additionally, she’ll ask if you want your “back” treated. Indeed, she’s inquiring about waxing between your buttocks. I get it; it’s a tough choice. Regardless of your decision, don’t feel uncomfortable.

One of the waxes waxing experts use is called “hard wax.” This wax doesn’t need a strip. It can be put in any region and doesn’t have to follow the growth pattern. It will be strategically positioned and allowed to cool with some baby powder. If you want your “backside” to be treated as well, you’ll be requested to turn on your side and grasp a cheek, rise on all fours, lie on your stomach, separate your cheeks, or raise your leg up high in the air.

After the esthetician finishes, she will provide cotton containing an oily substance and a refreshing towel. Begin by using the cotton to eliminate any remaining wax or sticky residue. The cool towel effectively clears away the oil, bringing a soothing sensation to the treated area. If you’re not offered one, you can also ask them. Finally, dress up and leave – your session is complete!

Post Wax Concerns

There are some concerns after waxing that you need to be aware of.

First time waxing? Some hair may stay, but about 95% should go. Don’t wax too much; plucking long hair is better for your skin. Avoid shaving. Stick to waxing regularly; the initial 3-4 times (every 2-4 weeks) are crucial. Hair grows in cycles; all three cycles show up in your first session, leading to swift regrowth. After all cycles pass, pain decreases, and results endure. Hair gets finer and more scattered over time.

You should not have bruising. Yes, it happens, but it should be alright. A lot of force is used on your first wax because the hair is so dense and the roots are strong. It’s normal to experience itching. See a doctor if you think you’re allergic to the wax used or waxing items. For slight itching or red bumps, using hydrocortisone cream should be enough.

How Painful Is Your First Brazilian Wax?

Waxing is never without pain, but try pain relievers like ibuprofen if your pain isn’t subsiding. Nevertheless, you’ll be pleased to know that there is a less painful way to transition from hairy to hair-free – all that’s needed is a little preparation.

When To Exfoliate

There are ways to minimize waxing pain.

Knowing when to exfoliate can be tricky – exfoliate too close to waxing, and you could end up with overly inflamed skin; don’t exfoliate at all, and you may encourage ingrown hairs and a build-up of bacteria. It would be best to exfoliate a day or two before your waxing appointment. Whether you choose a scented body scrub, exfoliating gloves, or your favorite loofah, exfoliating rids your body of dead skin cells and releases trapped hairs to ensure the best waxing results.

Softening The Blow

The softer the hairs are on the day of your wax, the easier they will come out. Along with exfoliating, it’s recommended you moisturize a few days before waxing. Moisturizing the area will nourish and soften the hairs, making them more supple and easier to remove from the skin. Ensure you stop moisturizing the day before waxing to prevent leaving an oily film on the skin, as this can make it harder for the wax to stick to the skin.

Soothing The Burn

Your skin will be sensitive after waxing, so don’t do anything to irritate the skin for at least 24 hours after hair removal. This means avoiding exfoliating, applying scented products to your legs, swimming, sunbathing, or using a tanning bed.

To have a good Brazilian waxing experience, visiting experts like us here at On the Avenue | Salon & Blowout Bar is advisable. Our training ensures you encounter minimal discomfort, and you’ll be in a hygienic, secure setting where the procedure is conducted correctly.